Australian Government Tender Contracts

Jurisdiction: Australia
Source: AusTender, Department of Finance, Australian Government

This dataset includes 33 thousand contracts registered with AusTender, Department of Finance, Australian Government. Each tender contract is registered with contract id, description, agency name, supplier name, supplier address, procurement method, etc.

66065419712 · Search Result

Contract ID Agency Description Value Supplier Start/End Date
CN1239042-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10187 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1239672-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10731 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1244621-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Reporting
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11397 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1249321 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11002 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1249341 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11757 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1254031 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10576 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-03-01 - 2015-04-30
CN1466772 Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Staff relocation from interstate 13527 MOVE DYNAMICS
14 Epic Place Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-25 - 2013-06-30
CN1208912 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 19048 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-13 - 2013-03-15
CN1199631 Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Relocation of newly appointed software engineer 24100 MOVE DYNAMICS
14 Epic Place Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-12 - 2013-06-30
CN1225242-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10195 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2013-02-12 - 2013-04-30
CN1191631 Australian Federal Police
National procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 17691 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-07 - 2014-10-15
CN1191791 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12205 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-07 - 2014-10-15
CN1192141 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12350 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-07 - 2014-10-15
CN1192181 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10544 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-07 - 2014-10-15
CN1209072-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11269 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-02-01 - 2013-02-28
CN1582131 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11654 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-31 - 2013-07-31
CN1229182 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 23347 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-30 - 2013-03-08
CN1228732 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12070 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-29 - 2013-03-08
CN1311291 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12070 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-29 - 2013-01-29
CN1229222-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11782 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-24 - 2013-03-08
CN1155922-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 22668 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-24 - 2015-05-30
CN1146322 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12501 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-21 - 2013-04-30
CN1145062-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20871 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-17 - 2015-02-28
CN1207912 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12584 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-17 - 2013-02-28
CN1142322 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 17924 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-16 - 2013-04-30
CN1142792 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10420 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-16 - 2015-02-28
CN1088932-A1 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 27690 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-16 - 2015-05-31
CN1145092 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 21928 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-15 - 2015-02-28
CN1108582 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 18513 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-14 - 2015-03-31
CN1142282 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 17577 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-14 - 2013-04-30
CN1142722 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 14308 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-14 - 2013-02-28
CN1229922 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 22056 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-14 - 2013-03-08
CN1207472 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11885 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-10 - 2013-03-31
CN1080042 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10063 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-09 - 2013-04-30
CN1229502 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 18400 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-08 - 2013-03-08
CN1311231 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 27508 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-08 - 2013-01-28
CN1144872 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 17582 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-07 - 2013-02-28
CN1153672 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12311 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-07 - 2013-04-30
CN1210152 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 43343 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-07 - 2015-01-08
CN1207002-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13181 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-06 - 2013-01-07
CN1210082 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13740 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-04 - 2015-01-04
CN1228852 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13866 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-04 - 2013-03-08
CN1080952 Australian Federal Police
Staff relocation and storage services 18175 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-02 - 2013-04-02
CN1089072 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20317 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-02 - 2013-05-30
CN1144972 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 14631 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-02 - 2013-02-28
CN1041291-A2 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 28899 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-02 - 2013-03-30
CN1126162 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Staff removal and relocation services 17507 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2013-01-01 - 2016-04-30
CN1208072 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12327 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-21 - 2013-02-28
CN1109052 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10846 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-19 - 2013-06-30
CN1050431 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13888 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-18 - 2015-01-30
CN1180802 Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Provision of staff relocation services 20615 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-18 - 2013-02-28
CN1229572 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12385 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-18 - 2013-03-08
CN1143612 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11588 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-17 - 2013-02-28
CN1144752 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20086 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-17 - 2013-02-06
CN1156702 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 14827 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-17 - 2013-03-30
CN1209472 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15253 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-17 - 2014-12-18
CN1145012 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15832 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-14 - 2013-02-11
CN1194941-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 21917 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-13 - 2012-12-23
CN1142672 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12529 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-12 - 2015-03-31
CN1145032 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15753 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-12 - 2013-01-31
CN1208932 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15499 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-12 - 2013-02-28
CN1195751-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 25824 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-10 - 2013-01-08
CN1574651 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 29526 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-08 - 2013-07-31
CN1059731 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12104 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-05 - 2013-03-30
CN1167722 Department of Home Affairs
Staff Relocation Costs Darwin to Canberra 10461 WRIDGWAYS LIMITED
2012-12-04 - 2013-06-30
CN726641-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 28144 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-03 - 2013-01-03
CN1145052 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11307 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-03 - 2013-01-31
CN1228722 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15677 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-12-03 - 2013-03-08
CN1229712 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15321 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-26 - 2013-03-08
CN1210132 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 26149 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-22 - 2014-11-23
CN1144952 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10414 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-19 - 2013-12-03
CN1229782 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 18042 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-19 - 2013-03-08
CN1229962 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 21630 Wridgways Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-19 - 2013-03-08
CN1095512 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 14382 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-11-15 - 2013-03-01
CN1229002-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Reporting
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10296 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-05 - 2013-03-08
CN1143822 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13881 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-04 - 2013-01-31
CN1030241 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13443 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-11-01 - 2012-12-31
CN1145002 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10531 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-10-29 - 2013-01-31
CN1028221 Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Corporate Services Human Resources
Removal services for relocation assistance 50000 Wridgways the Removalists
39-41 Endurance Avenue Queanbeyan NSW 2620
2012-10-22 - 2013-06-30
CN1194761-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement & Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15199 Wridgways Pty Ltd
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-10-15 - 2012-10-26
CN1144712 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 11299 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-10-09 - 2014-10-15
CN1144682 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15974 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-10-03 - 2014-10-15
CN1467502 Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Staff relocation from overseas post 11007 MOVE DYNAMICS
14 Epic Place Villawood NSW 2163
2012-10-03 - 2013-06-30
CN1142832-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12515 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-27 - 2014-10-31
CN920931 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 10779 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-26 - 2013-01-26
CN1006971 Australian Federal Police
Supply of staff relocation and storage services 13275 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-26 - 2012-12-30
CN1087932 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12335 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-09-26 - 2013-06-30
CN1018511-A1 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 16301 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-21 - 2014-10-31
CN1017191 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13812 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-18 - 2014-10-31
CN964931 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20224 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-09-17 - 2012-12-31
CN914101 Australian Federal Police
National procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 13684 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-09-01 - 2012-12-01
CN964201 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 21528 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-09-01 - 2015-03-31
CN914111-A1 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 15461 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-09-01 - 2013-02-28
CN867831 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 25266 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-08-31 - 2012-12-30
CN1005161 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 17599 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-08-29 - 2012-12-01
CN1005221 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20826 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2613
2012-08-29 - 2012-12-01
CN1016651-A1 Australian Federal Police
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 18000 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-08-29 - 2013-06-30
CN920711 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 12919 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-08-28 - 2012-09-30
CN840791 Australian Federal Police
National procurement and contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 20612 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-08-27 - 2012-11-30
CN840801 Australian Federal Police
National Procurement and Contracts
Provision of staff relocation and storage services 16070 Wridgways Limited
Villawood NSW 2163
2012-08-27 - 2012-11-27