Australian Government Tender Contracts

Jurisdiction: Australia
Source: AusTender, Department of Finance, Australian Government

This dataset includes 33 thousand contracts registered with AusTender, Department of Finance, Australian Government. Each tender contract is registered with contract id, description, agency name, supplier name, supplier address, procurement method, etc.

28603156234 · Search Result

Contract ID Agency Description Value Supplier Start/End Date
CN3381343-A1 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Education Services 85000 Intergal Recruitment (Wizard Corporate Training and Solution Pty Ltd)
Canberra ACT 2600
2016-10-20 - 2017-03-31
CN3356924 Australian Public Service Commission
Venue Hire 27 May - 16 June 2016 32500 Wizard Corporate Training
GPO Box 287 Canberra ACT 2601
2016-05-27 - 2016-06-30
CN3342726 Department of Education and Training
Foundation Skills Branch Training 22869 WIZARD CORPORATE TRAINING
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2016-05-09 - 2016-06-21
CN3326681 Department of the Treasury
Accounting & Financial Management Unit Corporate Services Division
Human resources services 12667 Wizard Corporate Training
GPO Box 287 Canberra ACT 2601
2016-03-10 - 2016-06-30
CN3326939 Department of Defence
Provision of Training to staff 64270 WIZARD CORPORATE TRAINING
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2016-02-29 - 2016-06-30
CN3321185 Department of Defence
DSRG Office of Chief Executive DSRG
Services to delivery template and training support 49280 WIZARD CORPORATE TRAINING
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2016-02-01 - 2016-03-11
CN3283076 Australian Federal Police
Australian Federal Police Corporate Co-ordination and Development
Provision of meeting facilities 57090 Integral Recruitment Services Pty Ltd
7 Raleigh Street Spotswood VIC 3015
2015-08-17 - 2015-09-18
CN3251492 Department of Defence
Air Force Executive Sub-Group AIRF
Professional Development 14520 INTGRL RCTMT SRVS PL PUR
Melbourne VIC 3004
2015-08-11 - 2015-08-20
CN3286787-A1 Department of Finance
Legal and Strategic Branch Strategic and Governance Division
Excel Training 20416 Wizard Corporate Training
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2015-07-17 - 2016-06-30
CN3295899 Department of Human Services
DHS Branch DHS Division
Training and Development 13200 Integral Recruitment Svcs P/L
GPO Box 287 Canberra ACT 2600
2015-07-10 - 2015-09-22
CN3112482 Department of Defence
DSRG Office of Chief Executive DSRG
Services to deliver template and training support 56980 WIZARD CORPORATE TRAINING
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2015-05-21 - 2015-06-05
CN3076672 Department of Finance
Legal and Strategic Branch Strategic and Governance Division
Training 14256 Wizard Corporate Training
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2015-05-18 - 2015-06-30
CN3225132 Department of Communications and the Arts
GENERAL COUNSEL Office of the General Counsel
Staff Training 36300 Wizard Corporate Training
15 Ground Floor, Barry Drive CANBERRA ACT 2600
2015-05-01 - 2015-07-31
CN3064182 Department of Home Affairs
Learning and Change services - Sharepoint training 37455 INTEGRAL RECRUITMENT SERVICES PTY
PO Box 287 TURNER ACT 2601
2015-04-15 - 2015-05-31
CN3080702 Department of Employment
Microsoft Excel and Outlook Training for Staff 18542 WIZARD CORPORATE TRAINING
PO Box 287 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2015-03-25 - 2015-05-14
CN2937402 Australian Federal Police
Provision of facility hire and catering services 19476 Integral Recruitment Services Pty Ltd
Spotswood VIC 3015
2014-08-25 - 2015-09-24
CN3287645 Department of Parliamentary Services
Provision of Electorate Office IT Training Service 56760 Integral Recruitment Services Pty L
PO Box 2700 CANBERRA ACT 2601
2012-11-01 - 2015-10-31